Monday, November 20, 2006

Loving People and Glorifying God, DWYL chapter six

In this book you have gone from finding the ultimate purpose in life to glorifying God in trials to risking loss for Christ. Now the focus turns to the way finding joy in God affects the way you treat others. Think about these questions and comments for our November 27th discussion:

  1. What are some of the things you personally enjoy about God?

  2. How can you help others enjoy those things with you?

  3. What are the best reasons you should forgive people who have hurt you?

  4. List some bad reasons to forgive someone who has hurt you.

  5. Think about the Robert Murray McCheyne quote on page 102. How is showing mercy related to being a Christian?

  6. Is it possible to be a Christian and hateful?

  7. How does 1 John 2:9 support your answer to the last question?

Monday, November 13, 2006

DWYL, Chapter 5

We are enjoying our study, but could use some new blood in the discussion. Any takers? Let's try to polish off chapter five for next Monday (11-20). If you are behind, just jump ahead and join us in chapter five. We'll look forward to seeing some of you in church Thanksgiving week.
  1. Why is uncertainty about personal prosperity and safety a good thing for us?
  2. How would you distinguish between the risk of gambling at a casino and the risk of planting a seed in the ground? Where does motivation enter into the picture?
  3. You have your dream job, your dream spouse, your dream house, your dream church and your dream family. You are all healthy and life is good. At what point do these blessings get in God's way?
  4. List some of the apparent risks involved in doing loving deeds for others.
  5. Consider Piper's discussion of Israel's refusal to take the land right away. When is it riskier to refuse to take risks? Compare what Israel worried about (Numbers 14:3) with what actually happened because they refused to take the risk (Numbers 14: 31-33).
  6. How can God keep his promise to "supply all your needs" and to not let a hair of your head perish when some people who have claimed those promises starve or get martyred?
We are half-way through DWYL after this chapter. Looking ahead to January, we will be starting Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and possibly changing our meeting place to one that is "riskier."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

DWYL, chapter 4

Chapter four messes with your comfort zone. Think about these discussion points:

  1. Read Exodus 6:1-9; 7:1-7; 9:13-16. Why did God allow Israel to remain in slavery under the Egyptians?

  2. How does learning to die make you "ready to live" (68-69)?

  3. How does Piper's definition of faith on page 70 differ from others you have heard?

  4. Explain the difference between sacrifice and suicide (74-75). How did John Bunyan recommend we decide whether to run or fight?

  5. You are John the Baptist awaiting your execution at the hands of Herod Antipas. What counsel do you have for Christian college students struggling with personal sins?