Saturday, October 07, 2006

DWYL, chapter two

You'll need your Bible next to your book for this discussion. Two questions I asked last week about evaluating worldviews were:
  • Is it based on objective truth?
  • Does it produce lasting joy?
This time we are talking about that joy. That the Bible makes the offer of happiness cannot be argued (Revelation 20:4; 1 Peter 1:8-9; 1 John 1:4; 2 Corinthians 1:23-24; John 15:11; 6:35; Matthew 5:11-12).
  1. Discuss these texts. Does God really want us happy? What is the difference between what these texts teach and the "name-it, claim-it," prosperity gospel?
  2. Discuss what you think of Jonathan Edwards' resolution #22 on page 29. Is it biblical? Could you live by that resolution?
  3. Examine Psalm 90:14. What does Moses ask to be satisfied with? How long does he expect it to last?
  4. Examine Psalm 16:11. Where does David say joy can be found? What is the extent of that joy?
  5. Examine Psalm 43:3-4. Who is "exceeding joy" according to the psalmist?
  6. If you know the first question and answer to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, call that to mind. Now you know where they got it. Praise him.
We may need more than a week on this chapter, but make sure you you enjoy it!

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