Wednesday, November 01, 2006

DWYL, chapter 4

Chapter four messes with your comfort zone. Think about these discussion points:

  1. Read Exodus 6:1-9; 7:1-7; 9:13-16. Why did God allow Israel to remain in slavery under the Egyptians?

  2. How does learning to die make you "ready to live" (68-69)?

  3. How does Piper's definition of faith on page 70 differ from others you have heard?

  4. Explain the difference between sacrifice and suicide (74-75). How did John Bunyan recommend we decide whether to run or fight?

  5. You are John the Baptist awaiting your execution at the hands of Herod Antipas. What counsel do you have for Christian college students struggling with personal sins?


Kelli said...

I am so looking forward to heaven, yet... somtimes I think I forget the first part of Paul's sentence, to live is Christ. Why 'worry" about heaven when I can glorify him now?? It seems that by anticipating heaven so much I miss out on the opportunities to worship him here and now. On suffering -> yes, suffering brings Him glory, but also remember that staying steadfast in "comfortable" times is often even more challenging, it is during this time that we easily grow complacent and backslide
...thanks to all back home praying for ECOP (christian outreach at Edgewood). We nearly tripled in number this past Wednesday!! (from 8 to 23!!) and nearly everyone signed up for bible studies that will begin next Monday. God's changing this college and most of the campus doesn't know it yet!! :0)
All things for HIM

Dani the Dandelion said...

alas... I cannot make it to bible-study this week.

Last week I wasn't there because I was at my aunt's house in Buffalo, MN, helping them pack, because they were moving from there to Eau Claire, and my aunt has health issues and couldn't do much packing...

Today I have a slightly happier reason that I can't be there... I have an orientation for my new job! I applied to work at the Riverside nursing home in Barron, as a CNA... and the same day I handed in my application, I got a phone call asking me if I'd still like to work there, and if I could come to their orientation today at 11... and it's supposed to take around three hours- otherwise I would still be coming. I don't know what my schedule will be in the future, either... so I hope I can still come to bible-study normally... but I don't know for certain.
in Christ,