Monday, January 15, 2007

DWYL, Chapter Eight

This chapter is vital for college students because college is, in part, a preparation for a career. Your life work has to be more than a means to purchase all the things you want or your life will be wasted. This chapter sets your work in a biblical framework.

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 10:31. What does "glory" mean? (see DWYL page 32).

  2. What does it mean to do something "to the glory of God?"

  3. According to this chapter, where is the war of the Christian life being fought?

  4. Explain why "secular vocations" are strategic in this war.

  5. Put into your own words each of Piper's six ways to make your life count in your workplace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time since I've posted on here - sorry! I actually just got done studying Soli Deo Gloria for a series in my dorm devos on the five solas. I really like this definition of God's glory: "The glory of God is that within the person of God in which He can find delight, that in which He can take justifiable pride...false pride is sin, but where pride is justified, no sin is involved." (Dwight Pentecost) God's glory is all of His attributes that make Him worthy of being exalted and praised, and that would be all of them! It is His entire character. To do something to the glory of God means to reflect His attributes in what we say, do, or think. It is to make Him look good. It does not change who He is, but it proclaims who He is. The war of the Christian life is summed up in Ephesians 6:12. "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." It is a spiritual war. A secular job provides a way for us as Christians to be active in this warfare - building relationships with the unsaved and being a testimony through our lives and words for the Gospel of Christ. I'm not going to summarize Piper's six principles...I've taken enough space already. :0) There are so many things that have challenged me in this book. I'm glad I'm reading it.