Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mere Christianity, book 2, chapter 1: "The Rival Conceptions of God"

Let's work on this book in bite-sized chunks. I will raise one item for discussion and see how many of you respond. This is a short chapter:) Here's my thought for your response: You have to bless God because you are one of a handful out of 7 billion people on the planet who can comprehend what Lewis is talking about in this chapter. We know what injustice is because we know what justice is. We know what crooked is because we know what straight is. We know what wet is because we know what dry is. We know all this because we claim to know this personal God of absolutes, who rules absolutely. Here is where I have to squirm. I've been complaining this week about all the meaningless tasks I have to do. Counsel me. Why is my attitude inconsistent with the contents of this chapter?

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